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Is pornography as we know it on the way to disappear?

A new type of porn is custom-made movies that are made custom for customers. This branch of pornography was created based on piracy and ruined the porn industry. The consequence is reduced earnings and endangered careers for actors and directors. To address the new branch of the porn industry, journalist John Ronson spent a year in the San Fernando Valley, home to American pornography, to discover the latest phenomenon in the world of adult films. "Porn actresses and actors today can hardly open a bank account, not to mention to fill it. On the other hand, an empire has emerged based on the theft of someone else's work," Ronson told the British Telegraph.

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He added that we all tacitly contribute to its downfall. Unlike the movie industry, which has found ways to offset or at least somehow remediate losses, pornography simply cannot. "I met a girl who confessed to me that she was constantly watching PornHub. I asked her if she had ever found out what the people whose films she was watching were called, and she told me it was like enjoying meat, but you don't want to know the type of animal because then it would be harder for you to eat the meat," Ronson explained.

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The Internet had a detrimental effect on pornography, which allowed it to connect with customers directly. Some of these porn videos do not have explicit content because some of the clients are not seeking this service primarily for sex, as much as for solving some private problems. Sometimes they look for fully trained models to catch flies, and one of them wanted to watch beauties fire up his postage stamp collection.

Sometimes half-naked women punch unicorn balloons or sit on the floor and say into the camera, "People love you, things are bad right now, but they won't always be, and suicide is not the solution." Not to be confused, most of it is pornographic content, but interesting desires appear here and there.

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"I had no idea that the world existed. It's about honest and hurt people who want to help each other," explained Ronson, who learned a lot about people in this business while working on documentaries. According to him, the advent of the Internet has changed a lot, which is best reflected in the field of social media."To hear you today, you have to be an aggressive leftist or an aggressive rightist. Those gentle people in the middle feel lost," Ronson concluded.
1484   3 years ago
 1484  |   3 years ago  |  2021-07-03

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